Fit Pregnancy – A Healthier You and a Healthier Baby
Pregnant women undergo many changes within a short period of time. When pregnant, your body is doing an amazing and wonderful thing. It is nurturing another life! In order for your body to do its job you will have to do yours. It is so important during this time to make sure you are optimizing your body’s process. This means that you must eat healthy and exercise. Here are a few ideas to help you have a fit pregnancy:


What you eat is so important during this special time of life. Besides making sure to take your prenatal vitamins you should also make sure you are eating a lot of protein, vegetables, and fruits. While you may have been cutting back prior to being pregnant now is the time to eat a variety of healthy foods including potatoes, breads, and other carbohydrates. It is also important for you to eat every two to three hours. Being pregnant is not a license to eat whatever you want. So be careful not to over indulge in candies, cakes, and other junk foods.


Exercise is not just for those who want to lose weight. Our bodies are made to move. When we exercise on a regular basis we exercise our heart muscle and it pumps blood through our body delivering nutrients along the way. These nutrients are pumped from mother to baby in the process. Exercise can also help with aches and pains as well as bloating or water retention.


There are many benefits you can get from stretching. Stretching can help you get rid of stiffness, soreness, and sometimes pain in your body. It helps you become more limber and prepares your body for labor and delivery as well. The most important part of stretching is breathing properly. Deep and short breathes help bring oxygen to all parts of your body.

Farm-to-table twee subway tile DIY hoodie YOLO, lo-fi mumblecore tumeric green juice 8-bit chillwave tbh iceland. All these things will work together to help you have a fit pregnancy and a safe labor and delivery. And after the baby is born you will be more likely to return to your pre-pregnancy weight.
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